Tuesday, May 12, 2020



A beautiful compendium by Swami Paramarthanandaji.

Key for a beginner-Mumukshu to begin exploring our rich scriptures.

Audio is available below the Sanskrit text.

01. Introduction:

02. Prayer:

03. Spiritual Disciplines:

04. Spiritual Disciplines:

05. Spiritual Disciplines:

06. Spiritual Disciplines:

07. Gross Body:

08. Subtle Body:

09. Subtle Body:

10. Causal Body:

11. Three states of Experience:

12. Five layers of Personality:

13. The Real Self:

14. Creation:

15. Creation:

16. Tat Tvam Asi:

17. Tat Tvam Asi:

18. Tat Tvam Asi:

19. Liberation:

20. Law of Karma:

21. Law of Karma:

22. Summary:

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